Hawai’i Releases OA Action Plan

Hawai‘i documents increasing concentration of carbon dioxide in seawater at Station ALOHA—an internationally recognized OA monitoring station that has contributed immensely to global understanding of climate related ocean change.

The State of Hawai’i joined the OA Alliance in 2018 and designated the Division of Aquatic Resources to lead the development of an OA Action Plan, alongside other departments and programs. The Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Commission has now approved the 1st iteration OA Action Plan.

The OA Action Plan outlines actions and recommendations across 5 broad goals that the state will take to understand, mitigate, and adapt to ocean acidification impacts between 2021 – 2031. Recommended actions include the creation of a Hawai’i OA monitoring network and development of a statewide vulnerability and risk assessment, conducted alongside university and federal partners.


Radio Program “Coastal Conversations” Explores OA Action in Maine


OA Alliance at Climate Week 2021