To facilitate the development of OA Action Plans, the OA Alliance has created this ACTION PLAN TOOLKIT as a guide.
The OA Action Toolkit contains both regulatory and non-regulatory actions that members might consider when crafting their own OA Action. Not all OA Action plans will have the same framework or structure, as there is no “one- size fits all” approach.
Some members may choose to write a stand-alone plan, while others may decide to integrate ocean acidification mitigation, adaptation and resiliency actions across existing Climate Action Plans, Ocean Action Plans, Biodiversity or Resilience Goals and Targets, Nationally Determined Contributions pursuant to the Paris Climate Agreement, or decide to integrate and strengthen actions across other applicable management tools.
By joining the OA Alliance and endorsing the Call to Action, members commit to creating a unique OA Action Plan that addresses one or more of the goals within the OA Alliance's Call to Action. OA Action Plans describe real, tangible actions that members are taking-or will take-to better understand and respond to the threat of ocean acidification and other climate-ocean stressors and impacts.

“The OA Alliance Toolkit is helping us to address this challenging subject, by providing a framework which can be used to assess existing ocean acidification work programmes against.
During our OA Action Planning workshop with policymakers, scientists and other stakeholders, the toolkit helped us to highlight areas that we are already advancing, as well as areas that could benefit most from further development.”
— Tim Riding Senior Analyst , Moana Tahora Ministry for the Environment, New Zealand