become a member
Since its launch, the OA Alliance has grown to over 120 members representing a diversity of national, state, municipal, and sovereign tribal, indigenous, and First Nation governments along with many dedicated affiliate partners like NGOs, seafood industry leaders, and local academia.
In joining the OA Alliance and endorsing the Call to Action, you will be part of a growing international network of governments and organizations dedicated to implementing actions that reduce impacts of climate ocean change and increase biodiversity, adaptive capacity and resiliency.
Become a Government Member
The Alliance invites membership from countries, Tribes and First Nations, states, regions, provinces, counties, cities, and Ports that are concerned about the impacts of ocean acidification. As a government member of the OA Alliance, you commit to creating a unique OA Action Plan which outlines actionable responses to climate- ocean threats in your region and helps to leverage existing expertise, partners and resources.
OA Action Plans will advance some—or all—of the following goals:
Reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide emissions, the number one cause of ocean acidification
Advance scientific understanding of climate-ocean impacts
Reduce local pollutions that exacerbate ocean acidification
Protect the environment and coastal communities from climate-ocean impacts
Expand public awareness
Sustain international and multi-governmental support for addressing this global problem
Become an Affiliate Member
The Alliance invites universities, non-governmental organizations, industry leaders, associations, businesses, and other official entities to join and participate as affiliate members.
As an affiliate member, you commit to elevating the issue of ocean acidification within your own institution, business or organization in keeping with your mission and capacity. You are also encouraged to create an OA Action Plan that will help guide your institution, business or organization to support or directly implement actionable responses to climate-ocean threats while helping to leverage existing expertise, partners and resources.
Affiliate members will be asked to engage as supporters of the Alliance and where possible, join Alliance members at events and workshops to help advance the Alliance goals.
Benefits and Supports for Members
Join a group of leaders who are impacting discussions across climate and ocean platforms, ensuring that climate and ocean commitments, policies and communications accurately reflect their interdependence.
The OA Alliance plays a unique role by facilitating learning across members who are developing and implementing a suite of strategies within various policy frameworks. By providing access to toolkits and processes, scientific information, and examples of OA mitigation and adaptation strategies at local and regional scales, the initiative strengthens the outcomes of member-to-member information sharing.
Members are engaged through periodic convenings at high-level international oceans and climate-related conferences and meetings.
Speaking engagements, panels, ceremonies, workshops and webinars help connect members to each other and are organized throughout the year.
The OA Alliance will help members create OA Action Plans by sharing resources, like the OA Action Plan Toolkit, and by showcasing expertise and experiences of members through webinars, technical information exchanges, synthesis products and through in-person meetings and workshops.
Joining the Alliance has no legal effect; imposes no legally binding obligation enforceable in any court of law or other tribunal of any sort, nor creates any funding expectation; nor shall signatories be responsible for actions of third parties or associates.