The Alliance brings together jurisdictions across the globe to combat ocean acidification and changing ocean conditions as an immediate and critical threat to coastal economies and ocean ecosystems. The Alliance invites individual members, both government and affiliate, at all stages of learning about and responding to ocean acidification.
The Alliance will work to advance scientific understanding of ocean acidification; take meaningful actions to reduce causes of acidification; protect the environment and coastal communities from impacts of a changing ocean; expand public awareness and understanding; and build sustained support for addressing this global problem.
The Alliance works to support inclusion of ocean health and ocean acidification mitigation, adaptation and resiliency strategies across climate policies and frameworks.
Ocean acidity has increased by 30 percent and is expected to double over pre-industrial levels by the end of this century as a result of the ocean absorbing one-third of the atmospheric carbon dioxide generated by human activities. More alarming, based on extensive laboratory and field studies conducted worldwide, significant impacts on shellfish and marine ecosystems have already been documented due to ocean acidification and will worsen in the future. From oyster die-offs in North America to coral reef bleaching in the Caribbean and South Pacific Ocean – impacts are already being felt by coastal communities around the world.
Many jurisdictions around the world are gathering scientific information regarding ocean acidification. While more remains to be understood and more investment in scientific inquiry is critical, it is becoming increasingly urgent to take actions. As the science, research and observed impacts of ocean acidification continue to grow, there is a need for increased knowledge exchange and expertise on the substance and process for developing local, regional and national responses in the face of cumulative ocean change. The rapid growth of the OA Alliance confirms the desire of policy and decision-makers to better understand climate impacts to marine resources and to implement actions that reduce impacts and build resiliency.
Working to halt the progress of ocean acidification and manage its impacts on our coastal communities, marine economies and ecosystems requires renewed focus, investments and a commitment to international and local action.
By joining the OA Alliance and endorsing the Call to Action, members commit to creating a unique OA Action Plan that addresses one or more of the goals within the OA Alliance's Call to Action. Member governments are encouraged to work with affiliates and others to leverage their existing capacity and to build support for actions that successfully address OA and other changing ocean conditions. Example local actions might include:
Prioritizing regional and local funding to address ocean acidification research, monitoring and mitigation efforts;
Adding ocean acidification and ocean health commitments to regional and local climate mitigation and adaptation strategies;
Commission regional or national vulnerability assessments with an emphasis on social, economic and cultural vulnerability;
Convening experts to assist fish and shellfish industries to monitor and adapt to local impacts of ocean acidification;
Deploy nature-based solutions by preserving, protecting, and restoring aquatic vegetation like mangroves, seagrass, kelp and saltmarsh.
Creating a local or regional ocean acidification task force or commission to study local impacts, develop strategies to mitigate and adapt, and to raise public awareness of ocean acidification and climate ocean change
Supporting existing international science and monitoring activities such as the Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network (GOA-ON) and the Ocean Acidification international Reference User Group (OAiRUG) that drive scientific information exchange and best practices in the areas of research and monitoring.
Ensure data compatibility in monitoring by adopting and adhering to the common indicators and methodology developed for UN Sustainable Development Goal 14.3.
The OA Alliance supports its members by sharing resources, like the OA Action Plan Toolkit, and by showcasing expertise and experiences of members through webinars, technical information exchanges, synthesis products and through in-person meetings and workshops.
Members will be supported in their work to develop and advance OA Action Plans through information exchange of the most recent and relevant science and best practices as well as access to example OA Action Plans and case studies.
The Alliance supports and promotes the work of international science and monitoring activities such as the Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network (GOA-ON) the International Atomic Energy Agency’s OA International Coordinating Centre, The Ocean Foundation’s International OA Initiative—all of which are critical for driving scientific information exchange and best practices in the areas of research, monitoring and modeling. The Alliance encourages its members to partner with and participate in all relevant efforts.
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is the globally recognized regime for reducing greenhouse gases and addressing climate change. In 2015, 195 countries signed the historic Paris Climate Agreement, committing to meaningful and timely action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and keep global temperatures below 2 degrees Celsius.
Ocean acidification (OA) is a direct result of human-caused carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and is altering the chemical balance of seawater that marine life depends upon for survival. Only by reducing anthropogenic CO2 emissions can we directly mitigate ocean acidification, regardless of achieving temperature targets which will address warming, affirmed by the Paris Agreement.
Additionally, ocean acidification is a direct threat to the climate system, as relevant to Article 2 of the UNFCCC, which establishes the purpose of the Convention to “prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.”
Ocean acidification—and ocean change more broadly—must be incorporated into climate mitigation targets and adaptation strategies in order to accurately assess the full suite of change and vulnerability directly caused by increasing anthropogenic CO2 emissions.
No, there is no cost to joining the Alliance. Our aim is to bring in diverse members at all stages of investment and understanding. We are looking for consistent engagement and commitments that demonstrate strong support for advancing Alliance goals. Individual member commitments are made completely in keeping with their own determined ability to meet goals set forth in a unique OA Action Plan.
Over time, and in keeping with the Alliance’s jointly developed work plan, there may be opportunities for interested members to commit resources that help advance specific projects, priority issues or support OA Alliance events.
Joining the Alliance has no legal effect; imposes no legally binding obligation enforceable in any court of law or other tribunals of any sort, nor creates any funding expectation; nor shall signatories be responsible for actions of third parties or associates.
The Pacific Coast Collaborative (PCC) was formed in 2008, when the leaders of the U.S. states of California, Oregon and Washington and the Canadian province of British Columbia agreed to work together on energy, climate, ocean health and other issues, as a region. In response to mounting evidence of the ecosystem and economic damage currently resulting from climate and ocean change along the North American West Coast, the PCC leaders invited other national and subnational governments to join them in founding the OA Alliance.