New Member Press Release - ZESTAs
International Alliance to Combat Ocean Acidification welcomes Zero Emissions Ship Technology Association (ZESTAs) as a new affiliate member, joining a team of partners working to increase ambition for climate action and transform response to climate-ocean change.
Ocean Acidification Taken Up At World Ocean Summit
Economist Impact, with the support of official host The Nippon Foundation, is hosting the 12th World Ocean Summit in Tokyo in 2025. This year will include a focus on ocean acidification, calling on government and private sector action on ocean acidification.
Ocean Acidification Submission to the European Commission’s Ocean Pact
The OA Alliance submission to the EU Ocean’s Pact calls on the European Commission to account for climate change and ocean change across its core pillars.
New Member Press Release – PangeaSeed Foundation
International Alliance to Combat Ocean Acidification welcomes PangeaSeed as a new affiliate member, joining a team of partners working to increase ambition for climate action and transform response to climate-ocean change.
5 Things to Know About Climate Change and the Ocean
When it comes to climate action, protecting the planet’s biggest ecosystem remains overlooked and underfunded.