National Leaders call for Drastic Global Emissions Reductions to Combat OA in advance of COP26

The COP 26 UN Climate Change Conference takes place in Glasgow next week and runs November 1- 12. Now is the time for a concerted, ambitious effort to protect our ocean and the coastal communities that depend on them most.

In advance of COP26, international leaders are calling for drastic global emissions reductions to combat ocean acidification and build resilience across coastal communities. Additionally, they highlight the important connection to SDG 14.3 and the science, policy and financing that must underpin its implementation.

Read the important op-ed appearing in the UNFCCC Race to Resilience Media Hub and authored by OA Alliance members and partners:

  • Ambassador Peter Thomson, UN Special Envoy for the Ocean

  • Ambassador Helen Agren, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sweden

  • Ambassador Waldemar Coutts, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chile

  • Ambassador Satyendra Prasad, Permanent Mission to the UN, Fiji

In the name of intergenerational justice, we must demand of our governments, corporations, cities, and of ourselves the action required to secure a net zero world economy by 2050. SDG 14.3’s target of minimizing OA will be a key element for the UN Ocean Conference in Lisbon next year. But if accelerating OA’s chief cause is anthropogenic greenhouse gases, then the UNFCCC COP26 in Glasgow this November has to be our focus in what remains of 2021’s work.
— Ambassador Peter Thomson, UN Special Envoy for the Ocean

OA Alliance Hosts Workshop for U.S. Mid-Atlantic Policy makers


OA Alliance Hosts workshop for policy makers in latin america: Taller sobre Clima, Biodiversidad y Protección Marina en América Latina