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World Economic Forum Virtual Ocean Dialogues

Friends of Ocean Action and the World Economic Forum co-hosted the first ever global online conference for ocean action from June 1-5 2020.  The Virtual Ocean Dialogues connected communities across the world who are seeking innovation and taking bold action for a healthy, resilient, thriving ocean.

Over 1,300 participants from more than 90 different countries attended the live streamed sessions. The programme featured 56 sessions: 12 live-streamed high-level dialogues, 39 in-depth sessions curated by partners, 3 networking sessions, and 2 affiliated sessions. There were more than 300 speakers from 54 countries.

The Ocean Acidification “Deep Dive” program occurred on June 4 and was hosted by the International Alliance to Combat Ocean Acidification in collaboration with UN Peace Boat, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, and UK Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs.

The “Deep Dive” program included panelists from national and state government; industry and seafood growers; as well as a tribal intergovernmental coordinating commission and focused on innovative and inclusive actions that are helping local communities and regions:

  • share information and learn about solutions to addressing ocean and coastal acidification

  • drive private and public collaborations that are helping to identify priorities

  • better assess social, economic and cultural vulnerabilities

  • develop predictive forecasting models and local monitoring that can inform adaptation responses

  • explore shellfish hatchery techniques; buffering and selecting for tolerance that build resilience

  • deploy nature-based solutions and submerged aquatic vegetation as a mitigation and adaptation tool.

Watch the full “Deep Dive” ocean acidification program below.


  • Lisa Suatoni, National Resources Defense Council, USA

  • Helen Findlay, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK and Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network, Executive Council


  • UK Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, Chief Scientific Adviser Professor Gideon Henderson

  • Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Government of Chile, Minister Couve

  • Office of Washington State Governor Jay Inslee, Senior Ocean Advisor, Jennifer Hennessey, USA Pacific Region

  • Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission, Habitat Services Director, Fran Wilshusen

  • Mook Seafood Farms, Director of Research and Development, Dr. Meredith White, USA Atlantic Region

December 2

OA Alliance Events at the “Blue COP25”

June 11

Innovative Solutions to Address Impacts of Ocean Acidification