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UN Secretary General Climate Summit 2019

The OA Alliance hosted a Climate and Ocean Action meeting at the UN Secretary General Climate Summit on September 25 from 9:30am-10:30am at the UN Foundation Building in New York City. 

The event highlighted policy frameworks that national and subnational governments are using to address the impacts of ocean acidification and respond to findings within the IPCC Special Report on Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate which will be released on September 25 in Monaco.

OA Alliance at UN Climate Action Summit- Sept 25.jpg

Speakers included:

  • Honorable Inia Seruiratu, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Fiji

  • Ms. Isabelle Picco, Permanent Representative of Monaco to the United Nations

  • Governor Jay Inslee of Washington State

  • Ms Stephanie Lee, Special Adviser on Climate Change, New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

  • Wade Crowfoot, California Secretary of Natural Resources

  • Senator Eduardo Murat Hinojosa, President of the Committee on the Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change, Senate of the Republic of Mexico

  • Nicholas Hardman-Mountford, Head of Oceans and Natural Resources Trade, Oceans and Natural Resources Directorate, Commonwealth Secretariat

  • UN’s Special Envoy for the Ocean, Ambassador Peter Thomson

IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC) convened  more than 100 scientists from more than 30 countries to assess the latest scientific knowledge about the physical science basis and impacts of climate change on ocean, coastal, polar and mountain ecosystems, and the human communities that depend on them.

The report will help to accelerate the need of ocean mitigation, adaptation and resiliency actions both at the UNFCCC level and through local, state and national policy frameworks that better address local and regional vulnerabilities.  

You can read more about the report, including its authors and outline, here:

The event will be co-hosted alongside several partners including Fiji Permanent Mission to the UN, UN Foundation, Ocean Pathway Partnership, Ocean Climate Platform, the Commonwealth Secretariat, Because the Ocean Initiative and the Global Ocean Forum.

Additionally, there will be a Nature Based Solutions meeting convened by the United Nations Secretary-General on Sunday, September 22.  The OA Alliance submitted a Nature Based Solutions contribution to the conference which can be found here (listed as contribution #153.)

December 8

OA Alliance at COP24

December 2

OA Alliance Events at the “Blue COP25”