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Join Us at the Immersed in Change Conference!

The world is waking up to the threat that ocean acidification (OA) poses to marine ecosystems and to the coastal economies that depend on them. OA is a rise in the acidity of seawater caused by an excess of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) being absorbed by the ocean.

 To implement SDG 14.3 “to minimize and address ocean acidification”, OA must become a cross cutting issue embedded across climate, ocean, and marine policies.

 Advancing national OA actions will inform better decision making for achieving domestic mitigation, adaptation, and resilience goals.

 Come learn about the National OA Action Planning Leadership Circle, where invited governments are finding their unique approach to OA Actions across 2024-2025, leading to national implementation of UN SDG 14.3 “to minimize and address OA” by the 3rd UN Ocean Conference in 2025.

 Stay for OA Poetry to celebrate World Ocean Day!

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June 8

#OAHaiku Poetry Campaign for UN World Oceans Day 2024